Nintendo Incorporated |
Absolute Entertainment
Tradewest By: SPMAN Tradewest was a division of the company now known as RARE. They produced a lot of Arcade Ports and racing games. They are most famous for the game Battletoads, a game that is loved by all (except me). Their game library includes: Battletoads Battletoads
& Double Dragon Double
Dragon Fast
Break – Magic Johnson High
Speed Indy
Heat John
Elway’s Quarterback RC
Pro Am 2 Solar
Jetman Super
Off Road, Taboo
All their games were programmed by RARE who also programmed games for other companies like Milton Bradley and Nintendo. RARE is now one of the leading developers in the world creating some of the greatest games on the Nintendo 64 such as Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye. Status: Still in business under the name RARE. They are notorious for delaying games years and years after there original release date. Best Titles: Why people like Battletoads I do not know. Its sequel is fun though. Double Dragon is great, so is RC Pro Am 2. Taboo is...strange. Super Off Road and Indy Heat are fun. Everything else they made is garbage. Grade: B+ Popularity of games: High Rarity of the games: Average with Battletoads & Double Dragon, RC Pro Am 2, and Indy Heat being exceptionally rare. Company Slogan: "Our name Guarantees a great game!"