Nintendo Incorporated |
Absolute Entertainment
T*HQ, short for Toy Headquarters did little to nothing of note on the NES other then making some of the most putrid piles of trash to grace the system. Oh, and it wasn’t just the NES that they stunk up, most of their crap was also ported to Gameboy, SNES, and Genesis and were almost exactly the same as there NES counterparts, even the graphics were the same! The games the released were: Attack
of the Killer Tomatoes Great
Waldo Search Home
Alone 1 Home
Alone 2 James
Bond Jr. Peter
Pan & the Pirates Ren
+ Stimpy Buckaroos Rocky & Bullwinkle Swamp
Thing Videomation Wayne
Gretzky Hockey Wayne's
Gaaaaaaaarbage! Every single last one of these games blows dogs for quarters.
Every single one of these games is on at least 2 other systems, and are straight
up ports. Nintendo Power even listed Rocky and Bullwinkle as one of the 5 worst
games ever and if those biased freaks call your game bad, then you know
something is wrong. Luckily for them, they managed to get things straight and
produce some pretty decent games on the PlayStation. Status:
Alive and well. They acquired the WWF license earlier this year and have been
producing some damn good games with it. Best
Games: None. Although Videomation deserves some props because of the fact
that it is the first game of its kind on the system. Website: Popularity of the games: Low Rarity
of the games: Pretty Rare because of the fact that nobody bought them in the
first place. Overall
Grade: F-