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Absolute Entertainment
Imagesoft (Sony/CSG) By: SPMAN
Sony? Making Nintendo games? Yes, as absurd as it sounds Sony once had a license to produce games for them. Originally known as CSG Imagesoft, this company was Sony’s first attempt at entering the home console market. Although it would take them about 3 years before they got it right. Their games were to put it bluntly crap, they as well produced a lot of games based on movie licenses. Their games included: Cliffhanger Dracula Dragon's
Lair Hook Hudson
Hawk Last
Action Hero Super
Dodge Ball Solstice Terrible Terrible Terrible, not one of these games has any value, except Super Dodgeball that doesn’t count because it is a Technos game. Status: The leading video game company in the world. Website: Best Games: Super Dodgeball, which is not
theirs. Rarity of the games:
Solstice and Dodgeball are common, the rest are quite rare. Overall Grade: D-