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Enix By: Bubblun Enix didn't get too busy releasing games during the NES days. However, their series of RPG's is one of the most remembered and valuable around: Dragon Warrior 2 Dragon Warrior 3 Dragon Warrior 4 Notables: Enix picked up their series for U.S. release after Nintendo put out Dragon Warrior 1 for them. Each of these games commands a big price premium, especially if complete and with maps. Status: Enix is still churning out niche games alongside their Dragon Quest (Warrior) series. Each Dragon Quest game is maniacally anticipated in Japan and sells like mad. Enix made a return to the U.S. game market in 1999, but now they seem to just want to cash in on Dragon Warrior games, releasing compilations of the NES hits on GameBoy Color, a spinoff series thats a Pokemon-ripoff, and bizarre side stories like World of Dragon Warrior-Torneko: The Great Hope for PlayStation. Best Games: Any of these titles are good, but if the first RPG you ever played was on PlayStation, you probably won't enjoy them. Its a shame they didn't release any other games for the NES. Popularity of Games: Low. Declined with each release and appealed to a small market. Rarity of Games: Somewhat high. You might see them but won't want to pay the price they command. Overall Grade: B Website: