Nintendo Incorporated |
Absolute Entertainment
A division of Acclaim. Back in the late 80's Nintendo had strict rules limiting the number of unique games a company could produce each year. These rules were enforced so that Nintendo wouldn’t end up with the overload of crappy games that nobody wanted to buy that killed Atari in the early 80's. To get around these rules, companies like Konami and Acclaim made branches that were technically considered separate companies. With this, companies could shell out crappy game after crappy game and that is exactly what they did. Before producing games, LJN produced action figures, most notably for the WWF. These action figures are worth a buttload of dough these days in even the shittiest of condition. The crap that LJN shelled out includes: Alien
3 Back
to the Future Back
to the Future 2&3 Beetlejuice Bill
& Ted's Excellent Adv, Crash
Dummies Friday
the 13th Gotcha Jaws Karate
Kid Major
League Baseball Marvel's
Football Nightmare
on Elm Street Pictionary Punisher Roger
Clemens MVP Baseball Spiderman T&C
Surf Designs Terminator
2 Thrilla’s
Surfari Who
Framed Roger Rabbit? Wolverine Wrestlemania
Challenge License after license after license if it was out there they made a game of it. They were all crap too. Maybe one or two games have a few redeemable qualities but the other 99.9% are a giant blemish on the NES's otherwise excellent track record. Status: Acclaim repealed this company in 1994, only to bring it back for whatever reason earlier this year to release Spirit of Speed on Dreamcast. Website: Best Titles: None, but
if I MUST choose, I'd say Thrillas' Surfari, Alien 3, and The Punisher are
somewhat fun for about 30 seconds. Popularity of the games:
Low Rarity of the games:
Common, With Thrilla, Alien 3, and Crash Dummies being exceptions. Overall Rating: D-